Welcome to the Quiz4us.com help webpage.

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Help: To register a new member account, simply click on the Register link above. Please also make sure that you have images enabled, for your internet browser.

Then enter the information required (* form fields required). Please do not forget the CAPTCHA security code (only use letters here) text box and also please accept our website terms, then click on the Register button to send your member information. If you make an error, a message will be shown? After you enter your information, an email will be sent to your registered email account, with your member access details. You can use your username or email address, to login to your member account.
Please then check your email account, to get your access details. If you do not receive this email, please then check your email spam folder, for your member access details. If you still have a problem, then please contact us?

Please note that when you send us your personal details, they are very safe, with us, as we use SSL encryption (https).

NB: This website is protected by R3 Let's Encrypt. Please see your internet web browser for more details. Https SSL secured.

Member Login

To get a free Silver membership upgrade, please tell the new member, to enter your username, on our free register, account, webpage? In the text box, Referral username. This is your username, for a free upgrade. Then if you send us 5 new members, we will upgrade your member account, to our Silver level. Please also remember that this process, can take a while, to update. Please send us more new members, for more Quiz Fun!

Member Login webpage:

Use your username or email address and your password, to login to your member account. Do not forget the CAPTCHA security code and only use letters here and make sure your internet browser has, show images activated. Use the remember me check box for easier navigation in your member account. Then click on the login button. Then simply select the membership level group link, you belong to, to enter your member account. If you have unfortunately forgotten your member password, then enter your active member username or email address and the CAPTCHA security code, shown, then click on the Forgot Password link and we will send you an email, to your registered member email address, with your member access details? Please then verify/activate your member account password change.

Multiple Choice Questions:
All 10 questions on one webpage. Simply select your answer, by clicking on the circle radio button, then scroll down, to complete the quiz. If you click on the Check Score button, then the quiz will end and you will see your results.

Member Login

Single Answer Questions:
All 10 questions on one webpage. Enter your question answer in the text box. Only use lowercase letters, for your answers and no space after your answer. If you click on the Check Score button, then the quiz will end and you will see your results.

Prize Quiz:
Please do not forget to enter your member email address, at the top of a prize quiz webpage, before submitting your answers. If you win a prize, we will contact you. Rules: You must be a registered member, to enter a prize quiz. You can only send one quiz result to us, per quiz. If you get a 100% pass mark, you win a prize.

Edit your member Profil:
Log into your member account and click on the Edit Profile link. To change your existing password, Enter your new password and then, click Update. If you want to edit your email address, then enter, your new email address, then Update, and we will send you an email, to verify, this change, to your new email address.

Upgrade your member account:
To get a free Silver membership upgrade, please tell the new member, that you recommend, to enter your username, on our free register, account, webpage? In the text box, Referral username. This is your username, for a free upgrade. Then if you send us 5 new members, we will upgrade your member account, to our Silver level. Please also remember that this process, can take a while, to update. Please send us more new members, for more Quiz Fun!

Member Login


This link will end your internet browser cookie session and redirect you to our homepage. After clicking this link, you will then need your member access details, to login again?

Technical Help:
If you are having problems to login to your member account, please reload the webpage. It is also better to mark the Remember Me option on the login form. Also clear your web browser cookies, settings.
Use your web browser back button, option, to correct your answers.
If you forgot, your member password, to login, then on the member login web form, please enter your username or email address and the display CAPTCHA image code, then click/tap on the Forgot password link and then a new password, will be sent, to your member, email account. Then please verify this new password change, by clicking on the Activate Now link, we sent you. This will then activate your new password, so you can login, to your member account. Also make sure you have the html option activated for your email client software.
To Delete, your membership, account, with us, click on the, Delete your account, link, in your membership account? Please also make sure that you want to delete your membership account, with us.
To read your ebooks, first download, then unzip and then use an epub reader App, to read.

Member Login

What is The Viewport? The viewport is the user's visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size. Then, when we started surfing the internet using tablets and mobile phones, fixed size web pages were too large to fit the viewport. To fix this, browsers on those devices scaled down the entire web page to fit the screen.
Using a mobile telephone:
To zoom on a web page, just pinch your fingers, vertically up, on your mobile device screen.

Puzzle Help: Please make sure that you have java script enabled, for your internet web browser, to display, the puzzles.

Contact us for more help:

contact us



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